I decided to focus my project on identity. I first photographed my model inside the studio, then using photoshop, I replaced her face, and in one photo her skin with overlaid images (cigarettes and clouds) using a layer mask. The reason for the choice of images and the monochrome colour schemes was to identify tranquility and rebellion. The female I used in the shots was a young teen (15). I used cigarettes to illustrate the rebellion a lot of young teens have. They turn to drinking or smoking, underage, and it is to rebel against societies rules. Although, a lot of the time, these people are using the rebellion to gain credit or appreciation from the other young people around theme and in fact this rebellion is not them, they are someone else (represented by clouds). The reason I chose not to include the models face is because I wanted to illustrate how common the above statement is, and that it is not just this one teen that turns to this way of thinking, but actually a vast majority.
Dimensions: A4, 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.
Jiri Kolar Styled Image
I found a great interest in the artist Jiri Kolar. I found his images highly creative and his style inspired me to recreate his pieces using my own materials. I decided to use Photoshop, as I wanted to interpret a digital spin on Kolar's work. I shot my images outside, adjusted them on Photoshop. I positioned one image on a separate layer than the other (so one image was hidden as below the other) and then by using a template of vertical lines, I used the magic wand tool to get the desired template and remove it for the above photo. I then deleted the template layer, and changed the layers to a monochromatic colour schemes as the tonal range, shadows and highlights looked much more vivid and capturing when monochromatic. Dimensions: A3, 29.7 x 42 cm, 11.7, 16.5 inches.